Tenga – Make Masturbation Better


The creation of former car mechanic Koichi Matsumoto, Tenga has become a leading innovator of male masturbation products since launching their first toys in 2005. Tenga is based in Japan and is known for its unique designs that incorporate continually evolving technologies. Unlike other adult toy brands, Tenga does not give their male masturbation products a life-like appearance.

Tenga offers several product categories including a disposable Cup and Egg series which are intended for one-time use only. Their very popular Flip series allows users to split the masturbator open making it easily washable and reusable. Tenga also has a 3D, Flex, and Spinner series. Accessories include lubricants, vibrating cock rings, sleeve warmers, and a vacuum controller.

With a diverse portfolio that includes a product for every budget, Tenga can truly make masturbation better for everyone.